Professional Development/Training Help and FAQs
- Is it mandatory for me to take Professional and Personal Development courses?
No, these courses are not required. If the course is during your work hours you should get approval before enrolling. If the course is during your lunch break or outside of your regular work hours you do not need to consult your manager.
- Are there any courses 菠菜网lol正规平台 will pay for?
You will need to discuss the training with your department to determine if they will cover the cost.
- How do I view my Training Transcript?
View your Training Summary
- Does the fee waiver cover 100% of the courses?
No, it will cover a portion of the fees. Please review the information on the Tuition Fee Waiver webpages.
- Do I have to consult with my manager before taking any courses?
If the course is during your work hours, yes; your manager should be consulted. If the course is during your lunch break or outside of your regular work hours then no, you do not need to consult your manager.
- How do I enroll in classes?
The method for enrollment depends on the class, as some vendors prefer to manage their own enrollment. You may enroll in the majority of classes, however, through CSULearn using the following steps:
- Navigate to Enroll in CSULearn
- Search by Course Name
- Under Activity Type click "ILT Course"
- Click on Course Title
- Click Register
- Click Add
- Click Register again
- Click Done
- You will receive confirmation email of your registration
- How do I get notified when classes are added?
Email notifications are sent to all faculty and staff when new courses are added to the schedule.
- I’m on the waitlist for a course. How will I be notified if I get enrolled in the
If someone drops the course before it starts, either your instructor or the UP Training Team will contact you via email to let you know you are enrolled.
- How will I be notified if a class is cancelled or rescheduled?
Either your instructor or the UP Training Team will contact you via email to let you know.
- I am no longer able to attend the course I enrolled in. Is there a way I can drop
the class?
- Go to CSULearn
- Click on Assigned Learning
- Select the class you want to cancel
- Click the drop down arrow on the View Details button and select Cancel Registration
- A Cancellation Confirmation window will appear click the Select All button
- Click on Confirm Cancellation
- You will receive a confirmation email that you have cancelled your attendance to the class
- Why are there no available sessions for the course I want to take?
Instructors may be in the planning stages and have not yet added sessions for the current time period. They may, however, add additional sessions later. Please contact for more information.
- I already completed the class but would like to take it again. It's not letting me
register. What should I do?
Please contact with your name and 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID so we can manually enroll you.
- How do I find out about the CSU's Got Talent training classes?
Join the CSU's mailing list to be notified of CSU's Got Talent training classes. Alternatively, subscribe to the UP News & Announcement blog; training announcements are posted there as well.
- I missed one of the CSU's Got Talent training classes. Can I watch it online?
Yes. All CSU's Got Talent training classes can be found on CSULearn.