Periodic Evaluation of Probationary and Tenured Faculty
Mini Review
The primary purpose of the periodic evaluation or “mini review” is to provide probationary faculty with an annual assessment of the progress they have made toward earning tenure and promotion. These reviews are formative, providing the probationary faculty with review of the 3 categories of achievement in University Policy S15-8, so as to encourage professional growth that will merit the award of tenure, and advancement in rank if applicable, by the end of the probationary period.
- Mini Review in eFaculty [YouTube]
- eFaculty Mini Review Faculty Training Guide [pdf]
- Mini Review Instructions [pdf]
- Mini Review Calendar [pdf]
- ASA-P [docx]
Post Tenure Review
Post tenure review is specified in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Article 15.35: For the purpose of maintaining and improving a tenured faculty unit employee’s effectiveness, tenured faculty unit employees shall be subject to periodic performance evaluations at intervals of no greater than five (5) years. 菠菜网lol正规平台’s policy on post tenure review is S97-5 [pdf]. It asserts that the purpose of the Post Tenure Review is to evaluate the professional effectiveness of the faculty member in terms of the scope and currency of their professional work, with reference to their current and future professional career plans. The review, to the extent possible, should focus on a positive, formative, and proactive approach to enhancing faculty careers.
- Post Tenure Review in eFaculty [YouTube]
- eFaculty Post-Tenure Review Faculty Training Guide [pdf]
- Post Tenure Review Instructions [pdf]
- Post Tenure Review Calendar [pdf]
eFaculty Training Information
Faculty Services (FS) hosts open labs for faculty scheduled for periodic evaluation in which FS staff answer questions about preparing your review materials in eFaculty. The open labs are via Zoom, and no registration is required. Follow this link to see all scheduled FS open lab sessions.
Faculty Services staff also monitor the dedicated email address for all-things eFaculty, which is Please contact the FS team about any issues. The FS specialist for periodic evaluation of tenure line faculty is Anthony Hilton (
University Policies
- Evaluation of Faculty
- Evaluation of Teaching
Additional Resources
- The Center for Faculty Excellence and Teaching Innovation (CFETI) offers dossier preparation services to help faculty put forward their best case for advancement in the review process.
- Help for using eFaculty is available at our eFaculty Training and Help web page.
- CSU-CFA CBA Article 15 [pdf]
- What Goes Where? Preparing Materials in eFaculty [pdf]